Government Agencies

This page includes a compilation of our posts and resources that we believe will be of interest to a variety of government agencies.

AMA’s story Texas FQHC Develops Integrative Model for People with Pain | Advocacy Efforts to Improve Access

AMA’s story Texas FQHC Develops Integrative Model for People with Pain | Advocacy Efforts to Improve Access

New story in American Medical Association’s microsite, End the Epidemic People with acute and chronic pain, especially those who are underserved, face significant challenges accessing person-centered, multidisciplinary, comprehensive integrative pain management. This...

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Spotlight Patricia Herman, RAND: Four Papers Focus on Patient Use of Provider-Based Nonpharmacological Care for Chronic Spinal Pain

Spotlight Patricia Herman, RAND: Four Papers Focus on Patient Use of Provider-Based Nonpharmacological Care for Chronic Spinal Pain

We asked AACIPM Advisory Committee member, Patricia Herman, ND, PhD, Senior Behavioral Specialist, RAND Corporation, why this series was created. "Our hope was to provide some real-world information to payers regarding how patients use ongoing provider-based care for...

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