Government Agencies

This page includes a compilation of our posts and resources that we believe will be of interest to a variety of government agencies.

National Updates – October 2021

National Updates – October 2021

NIH HEAL Initiative Announces Funding Opportunities Related to Health Equity in Pain Management, Myofascial Pain, and Sickle Cell Disease The HEAL Initiative from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has released information on a number of funding opportunities...

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Spotlight on AccendoWave: Innovative Device that Objectively Measures Pain and Improves Patient Experience Named Quarterfinalist in UCSF Health Awards

Spotlight on AccendoWave: Innovative Device that Objectively Measures Pain and Improves Patient Experience Named Quarterfinalist in UCSF Health Awards

AccendoWave is an exciting new system that uses machine learning technology to objectively measure and manage pain without relying on the current standard of subjective pain data. Harnessing active comfort management technology through use of a tablet computer, EEG...

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