Intended for use by educators, healthcare professionals, students and administrators, and consumers of health care and policy advocates interested in a healthcare system that is collaborative, team-based, patient-centered and focused on disease prevention, health and well-being. Discuses: Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine; Chiropractic Health Care; Direct Entry Midwiferey; Massage Therapy; Naturopathic Medicine; Advanced Nutrition; Ayurvedic Medicine; Holistic Nursing; Homeopathy; Integrative Health and Medicine; Integrative Medicine; and, Yoga Therapy.
Clinicians’ & Educators’ Desk Reference on the Integrative Health & Medicine Professions
Access to Care Acupuncture Administrators/Health Systems Advocates back pain cancer pain Chiropractic Disparities Educators Evidence Health Equity Holistic Nursing Homeopathy Innovation Integrative Medicine Massage Therapy Midwiferey Movement Therapies Naturopathic Medicine Nonpharmacologic Osteopathic Patients Primary Care Progress Providers Students Systematic Review Tai Chi Team-Based Yoga